Magical Fairy Party at Furzey Gardens Classic Package
2 hours 10 fairies Extra fairies £5 ea Max fairies 16
Step into a wonderful world of fairy dust & sparkly wings and a party filled with magical things!
Our Classic Fairy Party Package provides the perfect set-up but with the freedom for you to bring along your own party goodies. We’re always here to help though! So if you need food, activities, a cake, goody bags or some extra special party pieces, look no further than our Party Pieces page. Our unique fairy party packages bring to life an enchanting and magical party experience for fairies young and old!
The private venue and garden is all yours for the 2 hour duration of your party and is nestled in the gorgeous Furzey Gardens, a delight in itself!
We promise to put that special touch of fairy dust magic into every single one of our parties!
Our party package includes;
Entrance to Furzey Gardens – access all day for every child and one adult per child.
An enchanting and magical world inside our party barn!
Furzey Gardens adventure maps – find the fairy doors activity!
Beautiful fairy music to add that extra special touch!
Personalised welcome sign for the birthday fairy.
Large, hand painted garden toadstools and bunting.
Exclusive use of the barn and private gardens for up to 2 hours.
We do the set-up and pack-up so you can enjoy your child’s special day, hassle free!
Does your little fairy have a crown and wand? We can provide those extra special additional touches for your party too. Be sure to look at our Extra Party Pieces page for gorgeous, unique, handmade party pieces.
**If you would like to have a party with more than 16 children, please contact us**